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maror security
secure, performant system software

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postedOn: 2024-9-21   updatedOn: 2024-9-21   notIncluded
Thank you for attending my talk, “Executing your unemployment incident response plan.” Slides will be posted eventually. Here are some resources I mentioned. Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $1000 a Minute on Amazon. This isn’t an affiliate link. I’m not above affiliate links, I’m just too lazy or busy to get one set up right now.
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postedOn: 2024-9-7   updatedOn: 2024-9-7   notIncluded
First post! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m just getting things cranking around here, but let me explain to you who I am and what I’m up to. I’m Mike Doyle and Maror Security is my consultancy. When I entered the computer science program at The Georgia Institute of Technology, I wanted to be a hotshot systems programmer.